Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas and New Year

Merry Christmas
Christmas Tree Nature

HOHOHO Merry Christmas To All And To All A Happy New Year

Welcome 2015 Goodbye 2014


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Movie Poster Promo

You will see Bay max in front and the other 5 Hero's in like a V shape like the birds do when they are going to the south. In the poster they are going to be doing poses. They also look like they are going into action.

My title is say's BIG HERO and the 6 is on the bottom I'm going to make it awesome. Kerning is a way to make your letters look like it is in a fish bowl or what ever you want to do with your letters. You use it to make your poster amazing to the viewer.

I used kerning to my tittle Big Hero is in a normal style and my 6 has a red back ground effect on it ( You will also see the critics responses and the release date. The Hero's are lined up as Bay-Max (front) Gogo Tomago (back left). Honey Lemon (back right)  Hiro in the (back left) Wasbi in the (back right) Fred (back left).

screen shot 2

screen shot 1  

final poster  


P1T4 Sorry from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo . I'm on a team with Zephen , Cephas , and Steven . We chose the song Sorry by...