It connects with our audience because it tells them that people who do the wrong thing can make a change in their life and turn out being good. The words realizes and changes shows that people can make a change to their self or to others. We have some action in our movie to show the audience that if someone unarmed breaks into your home you can take them down or wait for the local police.
The overall message is that a burglar can change by just one act of kindness. He realizes that he doesn't need to steal in order to survive, he just has to work for achieve his goal. You can make friends to who ever bad people or good people you just have to make them realize that one act of kindness can change someone and make them do good deeds.
The biggest challenged we faced was getting a new team member situated and in the scenes and scripts. We also had trouble getting time to film and getting time to meet up. We got some filming done and we still need to edit, film more scenes, and do some voice overs. I say our team is moving pretty fast and catching up with everyone else. We could be done with everything on Wednesday or Thursday.

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